LEDS GP 10 year Anniversary: Storytelling Hour

LEDS GP 10 year Anniversary: Storytelling Hour 600 377 KM

LEDS GP 10 year Anniversary: Storytelling Hour

30 September 2021 at 15:00 SAST

Join the LEDS Global Partnership as it celebrates its 10-year anniversary with a storytelling hour!

The LEDS Global Partnership (LEDS GP) is turning 10 years old and we would like to celebrate with you! It won’t be a webinar like any other, it will be a celebration.

Join us on the 30th of September to hear stories from your fellow LEDS GP members, take a moment to reflect on the past 10 years and get inspired for this upcoming, decisive decade of climate action. Five members of the LEDS GP from all around the world will share their personal stories with us, including a member of the Africa Minigrids Community of Practice, Peter BenHur Nyeko, from Uganda.

How can you join?

Option one

To sign up, please just create a blocker of one hour in your calendar for the 30th of September – adapting the time to your own time zone.  The celebration will take place at 15:00 pm SAST.

Include the following MS Teams invitation link in your calendar blocker, which you can just click on the day of the event to join from your computer or the mobile app: Click here to join the meeting
Option two

Send us an informal email to the Global Secretariat Team (secretariat (at) ledsgp (dot) org) and we will share the MS Teams invitation directly with you.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event and saying: Thank you for being a part of our network!

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